Upcoming Shows
naniwa experience ☆
Tribute to Jimi Hendrix Shigeo shows off the experience with NANIWA’s dynamite rhythm section on this coming weekend at M’AXA and S.O.Ra. Shigeo Hendrix 率いるnaniwa experienceは いよいよ今週末 松阪 M’AXAと なんばS.O.Ra.です。 […]
PANGAEA’s New Album and Best Album are out !
Adachi Kumi and club PANGAEA released the new album “FLAT OUT” for the first time since 2009 and also released the best album celebrating the band’s 10th anniversary. 安達久美 club […]
Soulbleed @ Mister Kelly’s
Soulbleed is growing bigger and tighter as a band. check’em out at their franchise of Mister Kelly’s on May 22th. Soulbleed、ホームとも言えるMister Kelly’sでのライヴは5/22(金)です。 日に日にバンドらしさを増す非日常音楽集団にご注目ください!