中林憲昭 追悼 Live !
An unparalleled artist Nori-Aki Nakabayashi who passed away in 2014. His memorial live is held at Soap Opera Classics in Osaka on June 22. Many musicians get together and singin’ […]
An unparalleled artist Nori-Aki Nakabayashi who passed away in 2014. His memorial live is held at Soap Opera Classics in Osaka on June 22. Many musicians get together and singin’ […]
Ain’t nothing but the blues with MOJO BULLETS at Soul Dyna on June 21. 久々のSoul DynaでたっぷりとBluesを ♪
gonna have Grace Mahya’s Birthday Party on June 12th at 100 Lounge in Osaka. also celebrates on June 13th at Swing in Nagoya. 6/12(Fri) 千日前 味園2Fの100 LoungeでGarace MahyaのB-Day パーリィーやります☆ アツいよ♪♪♪ […]
joining Niina Atsuko’s gig with fulare_pad at Mother Popcorn on June 14 (Sun) with full of organic vibes. オーガニック感満載の二名敦子 with フラリーパッドのライヴにゲスト出演します。 6/14(日) 大阪 本町 Mother Popcornで 17:00スタートです。